The Garden Club of Rogers celebrated it’s 90th. Birthday as a club, on November 5, 2019. The Garden Club of Rogers was started by Miss Vera Key, in October 1929.
Miss Key was born at War Eagle and graduated from Rogers High School in 1908, she went on to attend nursing school, and serve as a nurse in World War I. She would later become a private nurse to author Tom Morgan, who left his estate to her in gratitude for her friendship and care. She turned the estate into a tourist and boarding house and the yard into a showcase of flowers. Miss Key would play a roll in the development of the Rogers Historical Museum.
Her first endeavor would be as founder of the Garden Club of Rogers on October 28, 1929. Miss Key passed away in 1987.
GCR celebrated its 90th birthday with a special luncheon and birthday cake at the November general meeting. The tables were decorated representing select years since the club has been in existence, and many member dressed in period fashions. There was a large attendance with guests from other local garden clubs.
GCR celebrates 90th Birthday
The Garden Club of Rogers will celebrate its 90th Birthday, Nov. 5, 2019, at the First Presbyterian Church, 1901 S. 26th Street, Rogers, AR 72758.
Sherrie Eoff, a very active and long-time member, will provide a slide presentation detailing our history at our November general meeting. Special guest have been invited to join members to celebrate, and surprise events have been planned. You won’t want to miss this event.
The lunch with birthday cake will be catered ($10), and reservations are required.
The meeting includes a horticulture report, a plant-of-the-month drawing and pass along plants & magazines.
Members and Rogers residents are invited to this special occasion. Call for reservations, 951-275-3191.
Members sweep Benton County Fair horticulture division awards
GCR has Blue Star Memorial Sign reset
The Garden Club of Rogers purchased a Blue Star Memorial sign, along with the American Legion, several years ago. It was originally placed near the Pea Ridge Military Park on Highway 62 for several years. When Highway 62 was widened, it was no longer visible from the highway. The mowers had ran into the post several times, so the sign was removed about a year ago.
The garden club made it a priority to have the sign reset this year. With the help of the Arkansas Department of Transportation, and The Hobbs State Park, it is now relocated at the parking lot for the Van Winkle trail head, on Highway 12 E, making it very visible from the highway and accessible because of the parking lot.
The Blue Star Memorial Highway sign honors all veterans, from all branches of service. It is a project sanctioned by the National Garden Club of which GCR is a federated member. We are very proud to be a part of this project.
For more information on The Garden Club of Rogers please contact Diana a 951-275-3191.
GCR Annual Plant sale scheduled for Saturday May 4, 2019
The Garden Club of Rogers is preparing plants for our annual Plant Sale. We are potting plants from local gardens, that will be for sale, they will do well in this area since they are from local gardens.
The Plant Sale will be held Saturday May 4, 2019, at The First Presbyterian Church at the intersection of 26th. Street and New Hope road, 8 am. – noon rain or shine. Be sure to stop by. For more information on our Club please contact Ronna Precure at 479-644-9673.
Pictured from L to R is Plant Sale Chairman Sherrie Eoff, club members, Marcia Kroupa, Jane Webb, Eric Esche, Jeanie Cozins, Sue Mank, Kathy Spann, Connie Morse, Alice Mote
Rosemary Bassham enters Circle of Roses
The Garden Club of Rogers recognized a long time member of the club with a reception Feb. 5, 2019. Rosemary Bassham has been a member of the Rogers Garden Club for 25 years.
The Arkansas Federation of Garden Clubs (AFGC) awards a Circle of Roses pin and a certificate to those members who have participated for 25 years. The club also presented Rosemary with a beautiful arrangement of red roses designed by Barbara Spears, the club’s artistic design chairperson.
Rosemary was a very active member, serving on many committees over the years. She opened her home to the club on more than one occasion, for flower shows and such. She still attends meeting regularly. “Rosemary has been a valuable member of our Club. We are proud to call her friend,” said Marge Leonard GCR President.
For more information on how to become a member of Garden Club of Rogers please contact Ronna Precure, 479-644-9673
GCR meetings resume Feb. 5
The Garden Club of Rogers will resume its monthly general meetings on Tue. Feb. 5, 2019, at 10:30, at the First Presbyterian Church, located at 26th. Street and New Hope, in Rogers.
The program will be “Natural Resources” Speaker will be Mark Clippinger, Park Superintendent, Hobbs State Park. Mark well certified in search and rescue, emergency medicine, critical incidents, water and rope rescue and wild land firefighting, etc. Mark will have literature for us.
Other activities will include a horticulture report and drawing for Plant of the Month, Pass along plants and magazines also.
Lunch will be catered, reservations required. For more information please call Ronna Precure at 479-644-9673
Fairy Garden Workshop
It’s time to signing up for the GCR Fairy Garden Workshop
It will be held on Jan. 30, 2019 from 10am-noon at Perennials, Etc., Garfield, AR
We will carpool from the Dollar General at Hwy 62/94. Leaving at 9:30am.
This is a hands-on workshop. There is no cost for the workshop, but bring your wallet. Costs incurred will be for container, plants and fairy accessories, it will all depend on what you buy. I would plan on spending $50 and up. The possibilities are endless! This will be a dish type Fairy Garden. Debbie Main and Sherrie Eoff attended this workshop in November and had a great time.
The workshop is limited to 15
and will be held in one of Perennials Etc’s greenhouses, so plan to dress accordingly. There will be hot chocolate and snacks. We can discuss lunch plans later. If you know you want to attend, please contact me by email, text or even call. If you have any questions, please contact Sherrie Eoff. If you would like to see what Debbie and Sherrie made, Sherrie can email or text you pics.
Youth Gardening
The Garden Club of Rogers host many activities throughout the year, in the community. One of these is Youth Gardening, with The Pre K class in the Rogers School District. In October our Junior Gardening Committee taught the children how to make Chia People. There are about 120 students in 6 classes. The Club works with 3 classes a day. We spend 2 mornings a month with them. They really enjoy the Garden Club Ladies, and look forward to seeing us, We have other projects throughout the School year. In December we make Christmas cards from discarded cards. We furnish other themes for those that don’t celebrate Christmas. The cards are distributed to Nursing Homes.
Our regular monthly meetings will resume on Feb. 5, at 10:30, at the First Presbyterian Church in Rogers, at the corner of New Hope and 26th. Street. For more information please call Ronna Precure at 479-644-9673.
GCR wraps up 2018 Garden of the Month Contest
By Marge Leonard
The Garden Club of Rogers closed out its Garden of the Month project in September. The Garden of the Month Contest runs May thru September. Septembers winners were Silvester and Ofilia Duran, 114 S. 15th Street in Rogers. The yard represents years of work and dedication and the producing fruit trees, a fig bush and pineapple plants are some of the results. There are lots of other lovely and interesting plants. As winner they receive a Bradford Yard Living and landscape gift certificate, and a Garden Club of Rogers set of coffee mugs. A Garden of the Month sign is placed in their yard proclaiming the winner’s garden as Garden of the Month, and remains there for a month.
The Garden of the Month Contest is open to any personal residence with a Rogers mailing address, and promotes beautification of neighborhoods.
Pictured from L to R are club members Jim Mote, Anita Gordon, Alice Mote, homeowners Silvester and Ofilia. Duran, (September winners) and other club members are Connie Morse, Sue Mank and Carol McCutcheon. If you would like more information on our club please contact Ronna Precure at 479-644-9673
GCR celebrates National Garden Week Jun 3-9
By Debbie Main
Below you will find the schedule for the Garden Club of Rogers National Garden Week celebration. If these don’t fit your schedule, another way to celebrate is to continue our Random Acts of Kindness campaign…give a random person a flower or bouquet… and share the fun with a picture of you and your person on Facebook, Instagram or your choice of social media. #ilovegcr
Monday June 4…Kick off for our National Garden Week.
Floral Designs workshop.Burnie Ott’s home at 10:00 AM.(1930 S. 22nd Street, Rogers)
We need vases that you don’t want back and any flowers from your yard that you are willing to share.We will design bouquets and deliver them to several businesses in Rogers.We will also design centerpieces for Tuesday’s general meeting.
Tuesday June 5th – General Meeting. June 5, 10:30 AM First Presbyterian Church of Rogers, 1901 S. 26th Street, Rogers, AR 72758
Wednesday June 6th – 6:00 PMKeeta Arnold plaque dedication at Lake Atalanta.Hors d’oeuvresand sparkling juice will be served. (More Details at Tuesday’s meeting.)
Thursday June 7th-11:00 AM Ronald McDonald House tour and deliver a gift basket.For the gift basket I am asking for your donations.Below is their list of needs.You can either bring them to the general meeting, call me and I’ll pick it up, or better yet, meet us for the tour.They are in need of:
Juice Boxes
Mac N Cheese single serve
Plastic spoons
Individual Apple Sauce
Paper Bowls
One Gallon small trash bags
Dryer sheets
Canned soup and ravioli
Walmart Gift Cards
Friday June 8 – Bella Vista Garden Party (13718 Rothbury Drive, Bella Vista)
Saturday June 9 – Garden Tour at Holly Fields Home!!! 10:00 AM (1605 South 15th Place, Rogers)
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 479-903-5586
GCR member wins state lifetime award
A group from the Garden Club of Rogers attended the Arkansas Federation of Garden Clubs, State Convention in Hot Spring, AR, April 2-3 . Those attending were club President Marge Leonard, State Awards Chairman (from Garden Club of Rogers) Ronna Precure, Club members Phyllis Stair and Debbie Main. Also from the Garden Club of Rogers, Sue Mank, State Historian and Burnie Ott NW Regional Director.
The Garden Club of Rogers accepted many awards for various projects. A special lifetime award was awarded to one member.
Debbie Main received The Lifetime Achievement Award for her service to the Garden Club of Rogers. She has served the club in many areas to include club president, secretary, treasurer, garden of the month committee chairman, and national garden week committee chairman to name a few. Debbie had to be nominated by the club president, presented to the Arkansas Federation of Garden Clubs, State Board of Directors, and approved by the board.
She was presented the award at the state convention, it was a complete surprise to her.
If you are interested in joining GCR, please contact Ronna Precure at 479-644-9673.
New Location for the Plant Sale
GCR will hold its 43rd Annual Plant Sale April 21, from 8 a.m. to noon. This year the sale will be located at the First Presbyterian Church, 1901 S. 26th Street Rogers, AR 72758, located on the southeast corner of New Hope and 26th Street. This sale is the main fundraiser for the garden club. The funds go to youth education, civic beautification and horticulture scholarships. If you have plants you would like to donate, please contact Sherrie Eoff at (479) 903-5389 or email her at skeoff@hotmailcom. GCR has volunteers who will come and dig donated plants or pick them up from your home. If you’re looking for great prices on plant that are for sale, please join GCR members for the sale and just talk about plants and gardening. There will also be a bake sale at the event. We hope to see you there.
Garden Club Dues
GCR membership dues are due for 2018-2019. Dues are $20. For details contact Marcia Kroupa @
AFGC Avenues,Jan. 2018Garden Club of Rogers Sponsors Horticulture Scholarship
The Garden Club of Rogers sponsors the Keeta Arnold Memorial Horticulture Scholarship. The purpose of the scholarship is to offer financial aid to students majoring in Horticulture related subjects. This scholarship honors the memory of long time garden club member, mentor, high school counselor, teacher and gardener, Keeta Arnold.
The scholarship is awarded yearly in the amount of $500 and is available to college junior, seniors, and graduate students pursuing a Master’s Degree. Student must be attending an accredited college or university, be a legal resident of Arkansas, be attending school full-time, and have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25.
Deadline for application is Jan. 1, 2018. For complete rules and application please contact Sherrie Eoff, Scholarship Chairman, 479-903-5389 or at