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AFGC & SCR Convention Registration – “Spring Fling”
April 22, 2024 - April 25, 2024
$42 – $200
Monday, April 22, 2024, we will begin our journey by traveling to the islands. “On
Island Time” is the theme. Hostesses will greet you with a warm smile and a lei.
Attendees will enjoy a delicious buffet featuring Caribbean foods. Janice Hamlin,
retired NGC Design Instructor, will be the guest speaker. Immediately following her
presentation of floral designs, there will be an “On Island Time” fundraiser party
benefiting our flower show schools. We encourage attendees to dress to fit the
theme and enjoy the adult beverages and activities!
Tuesday, April 23, 2024, will be the AFGC business meeting. An Italian buffet will
be served to compliment our theme of “That’s Amore!” Heather Runyan, Park
Interpreter from Logoly State Park, will be speaking to us about native plants.
Following the business meeting, Janice Hamlin will conduct a workshop.
The evening event is “Denim and Pearls.” Members are designing the Western
themed centerpieces and competing for a coveted “People’s Choice Award.” A
BBQ buffet will be served, and members may participate in activities such as line
dancing. It will be fun to see everyone dressed in their denim and pearls!
Wednesday, April 24, 2024, we will view the gardens and have lunch at the
Edgemont House, a historic Spanish Colonial Revival style home lovingly restored
by owner, Chris Olsen who will host the event. Chris is an award winning and
nationally recognized home and garden guru. Following the executive board
meetings, Janice Hamlin will conduct a workshop and our own SCR Director, Sarah
McReynolds, will present a session on Pollinator Punch! Doesn’t that sound
delicious! That evening we will be transported to the French Quarter to enjoy the
flavors of New Orleans cuisine at our evening event called “The Big Easy.” Janice
Hamlin will present part two of her exciting demonstration on floral design.
Thursday evening will be a reception honoring our director and president before
we arrive at the last destination on our journey. With the theme, “Under the Eiffel
Tower,” members and guests will dine on Chicken Cordon Bleu. The featured
speaker is Christopher Norwood, Vice President of Tipton & Hurst Florist. Chris
began his career in the industry at the age of fourteen. He is an outstanding
designer, and we are fortunate to have him share his talent with us. Many of you
have viewed the “Happies” that he started during the covid outbreak. If you
haven’t, check them out at the Tipton & Hurst website.
The most important ingredient for a successful convention, no matter how
exciting the plan, is YOU! Please make plans to attend both conventions and make
our “Spring Fling” in Little Rock an outrageous success! We want it to be over the
top and only you can make that happen! See you in Little Rock in April 2024!
Hosted by Pulaski District at Four Points by Sheraton – 501-664-5020
(If calling use code AFGCSCR for convention rates, $107 + tax for single or double thru April 15).
Book your group rate for AFGC-SCR Conference April 2024
Registration Info: Make checks to Pulaski District
Mail to Registrar: Rose Knight, 110 Maple Ct., Arkadelphia, AR 71923
jkknight@suddenlink.net 501-519-3505 (no refunds after April 1, 2024)
Pre-registration and payment required by April 14, 2024, no exceptions