Welcome to the 2021-2022 garden club year. We are very excited and hopeful to have a healthy and productive year ahead in the Garden Club of Rogers. There are so many fresh new faces on the board for this year. And I ask for your patience and cooperation as we settle into our new roles.
My goal, and the goal of the board, is to build upon the club’s solid foundation of education, beautification, and conservation, laid by those who’ve come before us. We are honored to serve, continuing this 92-year-long tradition of the Garden Club of Rogers. I’m looking forward to being your president and getting to know each of you, both as a club member, and as a friend.
As your president I encourage every club member to bring your ideas to the table. Let’s invest our time working together to enable growth, implement innovation and to positively impact our environment, our neighbors and ourselves. I think everyone here can agree that gardening is a process. We have to be attentive and aware of what might need nourishment and what might need pruning. We can use these same skills on our organization, and watch our club flourish.
To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow! Now is the beginning of our tomorrow.
Laynette Riley
GCR President 2021